Memory usageΒΆ

$ ps auwwx | grep gromox
gromox    2273  0.0  0.1  226612   68804 /usr/libexec/gromox/delivery-queue
gromox    2274  0.0  0.0  753708   46168 /usr/libexec/gromox/pop3
gromox    2275  0.0  0.0 4294568   10652 /usr/libexec/gromox/timer
gromox    2329  0.0  0.3 2757436  239096 /usr/libexec/gromox/midb
gromox    2551  0.0  1.7 2476752 1123772 /usr/libexec/gromox/imap
gromox    2575  0.0  0.0 4425996   14016 /usr/libexec/gromox/event
gromox    2744  0.0  0.0  134888   12348 php-fpm: pool gromox
gromox    3017 53.5  2.3 6187236 1570196 /usr/libexec/gromox/http
gromox    3170  3.0  0.7 2169468  525840 /usr/libexec/gromox/zcore
gromox    3191  0.0  0.1  701932   97788 /usr/libexec/gromox/delivery

glibc's malloc has a peculiar reservation strategy. The first call to malloc() inside any given thread allocates a large virtual memory block (128 MB on x86_64) to serve as a default heap for that thread. The higher the thread count, the higher the VSS/VSZ number.

In addition, because the heap is never really returned to the operating system under normal operation, if each thread (even in the best case scenario of serial execution) gets to work on sufficiently big datasets, all the individual heaps eventually get touched. On systems with memory overcommit enabled, the RSS number rises as memory is first touched; when overcommit is disabled, RSS will be accounted upfront on memory block allocation.

This wastefulness has been observed previously by other parties, e.g.

Switching Gromox to jemalloc or tcmalloc did not show any notable reduction so far. If you like to experiment, you can do so by starting one or more Gromox services with the environment variables LD_PRELOAD=/usr/lib64/ or LD_PRELOAD=/usr/lib64/ set to make use of these alternate allocators. (On the grommunio Appliance, you need to install the libjemalloc2 and/or libtcmalloc4 packages first.)

# systemctl edit gromox-http

-- add to edit field --
